There was this pilot flying a small commuter plane in the north-west U.S. somewhere near Seattle when all of a sudden he ran into a thick pocket of fog and at the same time his instruments went haywire. He needed to land soon so he was trying to get a visual on a building or some structure that would give him a clue as to where he was. Since he was in a small plane and was at low altitude he opened a window due to the unending condensation from the fog. He finally came on a large building and started to bank way clear of it when he saw someone looking out at him from a window. so he decided to bank the plane a little closer and he yelled, "do you know where I am?" To that the man in the window replied, "You are in a plane." At that the pilot announced that he knew exactly where he was and began landing the plane. One of the passengers was stupified and asked him how he knew where he was and the pilot told him he would explain after they landed. The pilot proceeds to land safely and then explains to the gentleman that, "When I recieved that answer I knew that the building had to be the microsoft help offices, because even though their answers are always accurate, they never tell you shit."
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