My Personal Pet Peeves

  1. People who state the obvious.
  2. People who do not act like themselves
  3. People who don't use turn signals
  4. When my sister used the shower before me and used up all of the hot water
  5. When the washing machine is in use and I can't use my bathroom
  6. when my alarm clock goes off thirty minutes late
  7. People who seriously blame everything on El Niņo or La Niņa
  8. People who cannot take a joke
  9. When my cat lays on my dark sweaters
  10. When my dad makes a rude comment
  11. People who are intelligent, but have no common sense
  12. People who cannot form an intelligent thought to save their life
  13. Any type of slang from clueless
  14. The overuse of the word "like"
  15. Girls that need to be on Ridalin, and aren't
  16. People who act as if divorce is a bad thing (unless they can prove otherwise)
  17. Furs (real)
  18. Vegetarians who make meat- eaters feel guilty
  19. Vegetarians who wear leather
  20. Meat- eaters who believe wearing leather is wrong
  21. People who freak out at the sight of blood
  22. People who complain that it is cold outside when they are wearing shorts and a t- shirt
  23. Sally Struthers
  24. People who don't have a clue
  25. People who think they are your best friend and aren't
  26. People that are too sensitive
  27. Attention seekers
  28. Fishing for compliments
  29. People that go on diets who don't know anything about weight loss
  30. People that go on diets that don't really need to
  31. Doctors who talk about "average weight"
  32. Celien Dion
  33. Girls that are a total ditz
  34. People who are uptight
  35. People who cannot express themselves without having a hernia
  36. People who use slang that is two years out of date
  37. People who use too much slang that it doesn't even sound like English
  38. A band that consists of 5 people who sing and don't play instruments, but still needs back- up singer (see Spice Girls)
  39. Christians substituting Christmas with X-mas
  40. Spoiled brats
  41. People who raise spoiled brats
  42. People that are set in their ways
  43. People that pretend to care but don't
  44. Boys in which everything reminds them of sex
  45. Girls in which everything reminds them of sex
  46. Double standards
  47. People who make fun of others who want to be a priest or a nun
  48. Pencil pushers
  49. People who think they can sing, but can't (not people who know they can't sing and sing anyway- BIG DIFFERENCE!)
  50. Low self esteem
  51. Mariah Carey
  52. Periods
  53. Guys who think girls have it easy
  54. Guys who say a girl has PMS if she is in a bad mood
  55. Anybody who blames PMS for me making htis list
  56. Guys who say a girl has PMS if she is in a bad mood and he is right
  57. Talking behind a person's back
  58. People who act big and bad when they are afraid of their own shadow
  59. People who borrow stuff without asking
  60. People who don't return stuff they borrowed
  61. Peer pressure
  62. People who don't know a thing about healthcare
  63. People who are afraid they will overdose on vitamin C
  64. People who can't tell the difference between a harmful drug and aspirin
  65. People who wash their hair once every three days
  66. People who don't cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze
  67. People who don't say "excuse me" or some form of apology when they burp
  68. People who speak too loud in a restaurant
  69. Excessive flirting
  70. Slave labor
  71. People who say a certain religion is wrong when they don't know anything about the religion
  72. Cat calls
  73. When women fight and guys think of it as entertainment value
  74. People who don't fight back
  75. People who have others that fight for them
  76. Gangs
  77. When girls like playing sports and like to hang out with guys are called "dikes"
  78. People who prejudge another person
  79. People who prejudge other people because of rumors they hear
  80. People who are TOO paranoid
  81. People who use the word, "Gay" as a negative adjective
  82. People who blame everything on a divine hand
  83. Parents who act as if they don't know how their daughter got pregnant (duh.)
  84. Bleeding heart abortionists
  85. People who drive too slow
  86. School districts
  87. Waiters that mess up the order and then blame it on you
  88. People who are inconsiderate
  89. Chain smokers
  90. Prissy, happy homemakers, "I'm just a girl" people
  91. Hanson
  92. Radio stations that play the same song over and over again
  93. The big deal on cloning
  94. People who use the explanation "it's immoral" for everything that is wrong
  95. Door to door salesmen
  96. Scrawny little dogs that are named "Fifi" or "fluffy"
  97. Any type of pet named Snowy
  98. Raging "I hate Men" feminists
  99. People who can't apply makeup
  100. Girl power (nice idea, but couldn't they name it something else?)
  101. Spice Girls (no explanation needed)
  102. Daddy's little girl (depending on circumstances)
  103. People who are paranoid about guns
  104. "do as I say, not as I do"
  105. People who see celebrities on TV who have gained 2 pounds and they say she is fat
  106. East side and West side
  107. Hypocrites
  108. People who say other people are fat when they weigh more than that person
  109. The OJ Simpson trial
  110. People who COMPLETELY freak out when they see a bug
  111. People who throw aluminum cans in the trash when there is a recycle bin right next by
  112. Note passing (there is something called a telephone- much more effective)
  113. People judging other people by their age
  114. People judging other people by their race
  115. People who laugh at their own puns
  116. Excessive Knock, knock jokes
  117. Know-it-alls
  118. "I told you so!"
  119. excessive lying
  120. people who lie and are bad at it
  121. Girls who write their boyfriend's name all over their stuff and get really upset when they break up as if they were meant to be married
  122. Tele- evangelists
  123. Info-mercial hosts
  124. Sales pitches
  125. Joe Greed
  126. People who make the word "you" have three syllables (see #119-121)
  127. People who complain that they are bored (only the boring get bored)
  128. Rap music that has no rhythm
  129. Forest Gump quotes
  130. People who are afraid that the world will end in the year 2000
  131. Atheists that curse god
  132. Atheists that make a big deal out of being atheist
  133. People who think that it is utterly ridiculous to believe that there could be other life forms in the entire universe
  134. People who believe there is no way in hell that aliens haven't contacted us (Have you seen some political figures?).
  135. People who tell other people are wrong about subjects science can't prove
  136. People who think drugs are cool
  137. People who think smoking is cool
  138. People who act as if they know everything about something they know nothing about
  139. People who ask "Are we really going to use this in life?"
  140. Whiners. Grin and bear it, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger
  141. People who think that education is unimportant
  142. People who complain that their mother has done nothing for them
  143. People who complain about homework
  144. People who completely blame their grades on their teachers
  145. People who sue over the drop of a hat
  146. Minorities that milk the fact that they are minorities
  147. People that are scared of change
  148. Parents that have too high of an expectation for their children
  149. Tattle- tails
  150. People who use their sleeve to blow their nose
  151. People who pick their nose
  152. People who wear perfume instead of deodorant
  153. People who wear too much perfume
  154. People who don't wear deodorant
  155. Bossy people who have no clue of what they are doing
  156. People that smile as they say a bad comment
  157. Guys who think they look good in Speedo's; whether they do or not
  158. People who dot their I's with hearts or smiley faces all the time
  159. Grown people with food on their face
  160. People who tell me I am wrong when I express an opinion
  161. Men with beer guts who tell women to lose weight
  162. People who wear crucifixes because they are fashionable
  163. People who wear rosaries
  164. People who walk around with their mouth open
  165. People who only brush about once a week (teeth and hair)
  166. Guys who judge girls by their looks
  167. People who wear colored sun block on their nose
  168. When you are flipping through the channels and you pass the cartoon channel and realize that you have seen that episode of the Jetsons
  169. Date rape: rape is rape
  170. "People who write down their pet peeves and spread them around school" -Rita
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AUTHOR: Yours Truly, the disgruntled goddess/editor Ahniimus
SOURCE: Well, if I wrote it, and it is on my web page, when would I have gotten this? HHHHHMMMMMM......